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Legend of the Five . . .

"Al Khamsa" is an Arabic term roughly translated as "the five." Early occidental travelers to the extended Arabian Peninsula frequently reported that the term "al khamsa" (el Khamsa, el Khoms, etc.) was used to designate the five best or favorite "breeds," strains or families, of the unique and ancient breed of horses of the native Bedouin. These travelers indicated that there were many strains and that the list of "the five" varied from tribe to tribe or from sheikh to sheikh.

The story of "Al Khamsa" refers to the five favorite horses of the prophet Muhammad (AD 570-632). According to this legend, a tribe of Bedouin, after a long journey in the desert, released their mares to run to a watering hole to quench their thirst. As a test of their loyalty the mares were called back to their masters before reaching the water, and of the many mares, only five returned faithfully without drinking. These became the five original favorite mares of the Bedouin, and each was given a strain name that would carry on with its descendants. Just which strains these were depended on the teller of the tale as there are actually more than five strains and all are related and of equal importance.  The term "Al Khamsa" signified purity of bloodlines to the Bedouin, as it does today to supporters of Al Khamsa.

~ Ancient Bedouin Legend


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"The Horse: Friendship without envy, Beauty without vanity, Nobility without conceit, A willing partner, yet no slave."
~ Author Unknown

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